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What People Are Saying


“EIX exchange helped take theory and put it into action. The team helped cabinet members and leadership understand their roles and behaviors. They walked alongside leadership helping us develop our strengths, and they coached us in the areas we  could articulate but had no experience in how to put into practice. They helped us be respectful of all stakeholders.  EIX is a great partner that keeps us focused on kids and developing systems that improved academic learning and social growth. The coordination of these strategies led to increased teaming for kids’ success. “ 

— Ted Howard

Assistant Superintendent of Strategy & Climate, Seattle Public Schools


“Our work with EIX has been beneficial in so many ways, but one of the most important is the purposeful and essential equity focus woven throughout. Through our partnership, we were able to successfully frame the challenges of the 2020-2021 school year as opportunities to address the mindset shifts and pedagogical practices that need to change in the system."

— Mary Snyder

Social Emotional Learning Specialist, Steilacoom Historic School District

“EIX has been a tremendous asset. We previously had experienced multiple failures trying to shift to an online platform and knew that our community was growing weary of the constant shifts and changes we had made. We had one shot to get it right, and trusted Paul 100% in guiding us in the right direction."

— Laura Hernandez

Program Manager for Sobrato Early Academic Language (SEAL)


“EIX centers multilingual students with respect to equity and social justice. They worked with leaders, staff, and teachers across the district for a systematic approach to building our multilingual and dual language programs. They have an adaptive coaching style which allows stakeholders to grow and be empowered to gain independence in programmatic leadership.”

— Stephanie Chen

Director of ML, Early Learning, & Elementary Education, Tukwila School District


"The materials, structure of the seminar, and interactions were meaningful and very applicable to teaching. I was challenged to step out of my comfort zone, which was great!"

— Anonymous Teacher

Steilacoom Historic School District