10 tips: Writing for a Linguistically & Culturally Diverse School Audience
Paul Teske, PhD Paul Teske, PhD

10 tips: Writing for a Linguistically & Culturally Diverse School Audience

Communicating simply, thoroughly, and clearly is a challenge in any context, even for native English speakers. It can be surprising how often the shortcuts we take, the use of colorful or flowery language, and the reliance on field-specific jargon can confuse—and even exclude—non-native speakers. What may seem like a natural way of speaking or writing can create barriers for those who aren't as familiar with the nuances of English. Being mindful of these tendencies is essential to ensure that our communication is inclusive and accessible to everyone. Here are some tips when writing your next communication to parents and guardians.

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Get Talkative: Productive Eye & Elbow Pairings for Multilingual Students
Paul Teske, PhD Paul Teske, PhD

Get Talkative: Productive Eye & Elbow Pairings for Multilingual Students

Traditional classroom models tend to prioritize quiet, transactional learning environments. Teachers may be reluctant to encourage talk, fearing it could lead to silence, chaos, or off-task behavior. But what we’ve seen through student shadowing is that this quiet often masks a lack of engagement and learning, especially for multilingual students. These students need frequent opportunities to practice speaking and listening in English to develop their language skills through engaging with content. Without the opportunity to talk, they can slowly disengage from school and lose their sense of being a student with a voice that matters. We send an implicit message that they don’t matter in academic spaces. This is the opposite of what we call culturally and linguistically sustaining practices.

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It’s So Easy to Translate, but Should We?
EIX Team - Paul Teske, Heidi LaMare, & Nicole Shimizu EIX Team - Paul Teske, Heidi LaMare, & Nicole Shimizu

It’s So Easy to Translate, but Should We?

The crux of the issue isn’t really about how accurate the translation is, but whether the act of translation in the classroom is beneficial to the learning of language. Or is it just a shortcut to getting the information in the students’ heads as quickly as possible? It is good to take a pause and wonder if efficiency is always our friend. And we have to question if these well-intentioned acts circumvent getting to know our students deeply as a language learner as only a teacher can.

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Reconciling Science of Reading & Multilingual Student Instruction
EIX Team - Paul Teske, Heidi LaMare, & Nicole Shimizu EIX Team - Paul Teske, Heidi LaMare, & Nicole Shimizu

Reconciling Science of Reading & Multilingual Student Instruction

If teachers have knowledge of the science of reading AND if they know that language development is complex and non-linear, AND if they are aware of how primary language transfers to English, then teachers can be empowered to move flexibly and more fully respond to students’ needs. 

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Get on the EIX School Bus - Let’s go!
Paul Teske, PhD Paul Teske, PhD

Get on the EIX School Bus - Let’s go!

We believe that all students, no matter their language background, deserve access to high-quality education. By supporting multilingual and dual language learners and educators, we hope to make a positive impact on the education landscape and help create a more inclusive and equitable world.It all begins with an idea.

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